Personal Insight: Being a Female Filmmaker

Pretty interesting insight on gender in the photography business.

As a female film major and moreover as a female filmmaker, I don't necessarily feel discriminated against within this major but I do feel a sense of being different and having a clear distinction all the time. As a woman, I want to be taken seriously for my work and for my insight on the world (as a filmmaker you want people to look through your lens and see the world as you see it) but I feel like I CAN'T be judged 100% purely on the works that I create because people see me as a woman first and then a filmmaker and not vise-versa, which is actually understandable and yet a bit disappointing. Whether you see if there is a difference in that or not, I don't know, you can analyze it on your own (disagree with me if you want too).

Many times when feminism is brought up in class, there is a majority groan or whenever we have a viewing and there are women being treated poorly, being represented sexually, or even just flat out disrespected (like really being called greedy, filthy, pigs that exploit the "hard work" of the men), the majority of the class agrees with these things or they laugh at it like it's a joke. A classmate that I honestly really HATE being around (I will not provide a name) agrees full-on that women are pigs and that they should be treated as objects yada yada yada and yet at the same time when he finds a girl attractive, always tries to sneak side-glances at her, wants to sit right next to her constantly or even just sit in her area (literally behind me), move in uncomfortably close when sitting next to her, and many more things and yet in the end finds that to be a-okay with your morals set on "contradictory". And not all of the people in the class are like this, but the majority of the people that I've seen act in this way and I wish that it would stop. I honestly have wanted to say this for the longest amount of time. I don't want anymore attention, honestly I'm truly tired of it but I know I can't escape it.

So no, I don't feel like a "true filmmaker" in my classes, but I'm still trying my best and still learning more about film(s), making reviews, studying & observing, creating and establishing despite these differences....I want people to see the true potential in me as a filmmaker and to see the potential in the slab of meat that I call my brain.

Thank you.


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